Playing for Peace...

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Day No. 123

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Day No. 109

Let there be light...

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Day No. 108

And He said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

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Day No. 93

Happy Birthday

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Day No. 80


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She is another Joasia who has visited me at my home in Mszana Dolna after the conference. I do not know if you know them all and what is going on. But I know that she impacted my life quite strongly. And only you can say if it is worthy to save my life in this respect... Of course, I would love to see her again.

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Day No. 78

The Hebrew name מרים (originally pronounced "Maryam", but by Masoretic times pronounced "Miryam") was rendered in Greek as Mariam (Μαριάμ).


"If the winds of temptation arise; if you are driven upon the rocks of tribulation look to the star, call on Mary. If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, call on Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary." Saint Bernard of Clairvaux 


Stella Maris Monastery, the foundation house of the Carmelite order, was established on Mount Carmel in Haifa in the early thirteenth century. The abbey was destroyed several times, but a refounded Stella Maris monastery is still considered the headquarters of the order.


“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”


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Day No. 61

Eid Mubarak

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Day No. 40

Pray for the Peace in Jerusalem.

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Day No. 52


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Day No. 50

Empire State Building...

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I stand with prof. Yunus

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Lord Jacob Rothschild, a renowned financier and member of the illustrious Rothschild banking family, has sadly passed away at the age of 87. His legacy spans across finance, philanthropy, and the arts.


Born in 1936 in Berkshire, he attended Eton College and later studied history at Christ Church, Oxford. His career began at the family bank, NM Rothschild & Sons, in 1963. However, he eventually parted ways with the bank in 1980 after a dispute with his cousin, Evelyn Rothschild. Jacob then went on to build his own financial empire in London’s City.


Notable achievements include:

- Founding RIT Capital, one of the largest investment funds on the London Stock Exchange, where he served as its head from 1988 to 2019.

- Co-founding several other firms, including J Rothschild Assurance Group (now St James’s Place).

- Active political engagement, serving in the British House of Lords for over 8 years until 1999.

- A patron of the arts, he chaired the National Gallery board from 1985 to 1991 and led the Heritage Lottery Fund from 1994 to 1998.

- In Israel, he held a prominent role as chairman of the Yad Hanadiv family foundation from 1989 to 2018.


The funeral will be held privately in accordance with Jewish tradition, and a memorial commemorating his life will be established at a later date 1Lord Jacob Rothschild leaves behind three daughters, a son, and several grandchildren 1

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Day No. 47

Mexican Sky

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Day No. 47
