Social Justice Day
Select a deck
- d/ Affordable and Clean Energy
- d/ Clean Water and Sanitation
- d/ Climate Action
- d/ Decent Work and Economic Growth
- d/ Gender Equality
- d/ Good Health and Well-being
- d/ Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- d/ Life Below Water
- d/ Life on Land
- d/ No Poverty
- d/ Partnerships to achieve the Goal
- d/ Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- d/ Quality Education
- d/ Reduced Inequality
- d/ Responsible Consumption and Production
- d/ Sustainable Cities and Communities
- d/ Zero Hunger
Day No. 41

"This , we wanted to point to the tireless work of the leaders in the social justice movement including Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. SocialJusticeDay
He is responsible for lifting millions out of poverty through the innovative use of micro-finance, something which earned him the title of ‘banker to the poor’.
As he faces the courts, we are thinking about him and urge you to support the campaign..." IStandWithYunusSocial Enteprise UK
Dedicated to: 
prof. Yunus
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